आइंधोवन मराठी मित्रमंडळ - गुढीपाडवा २०२३
सूर्य संवेदना पुष्पे, दीप्ती कारुण्यगंधने | लब्ध्वा शुभं नववर्षेस्मिन् कुर्यात् सर्वस्य मंगलम्| म्हणजेच येणारे नववर्ष सूर्याच्या प्रकाशासारखे आणि पुष्पाच्या सुवासाप्रमाणे मंगलमय जावो. आइंधोवन मराठी मित्रमंडळ घेऊन आलंय "गुढीपाडवा २०२३"

08 Apr 2023, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Pand P - Performing Arts Theatre, Leenderweg 65, 5614 HL Eindhoven
30 minutesवक्तृत्व स्पर्धा
1 hourNatak 1
Child 0-2 Years
This ticket includes entry for one child (0-2) years. Note that children are not permitted entry in the main auditorium during the theatrical performance.
€0.00Sale endedChild Care Ticket (3-8) Years
This ticket includes entry + child care for one child (3-8) years. Arrangement for child care has been made at the venue. Note that children are not permitted entry in the main auditorium during the theatrical performance.
€10.00Sale endedSingle Ticket (>8 years only)
This ticket includes entry for one person of age 8 and above to the main auditorium. Note that accompanying children below 8 years are not permitted in the main auditorium during the theatrical performance.
€15.00Sale ended